Last Friday I took a trip to NYC for a casting. While at the casting I had an epiphany about my life/career/ and missed opportunities. My first time in New York I remember feeling overwhelmed ,less than, and taken over by a feeling that I just didn't belong. This time was much different, looking around the room I felt like not only that I belonged, but that I could thrive if thrust into a similar situation again.
Two years later, I am personal training 40 hrs a week and loving every second of it. However I realized that I could be helping a ton more people if I took a little extra time focusing on my fitness career. To reach more people, I need to expand my brand awareness. My brand, being myself, the only way to achieved this is to make my mark in the fitness industry by way of magazines and contests. Long story short, I think the sky is the limit for what I can achieve this year with a clear vision and hard work. I am exited to see what wonderful things this year will bring with a new sense of purpose and drive.